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The little things

13 September 2017

Little by little one becomes evil, as a water pot is filled with water.  Little by little one becomes good, as a water pot is filled with water.  Buddha

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”  Vincent Van Gogh


Again, and again, and again, when it comes to career success it is the little things that are the big things.  This is because the little things are often more sustainable than trying to change everything at once, or by trying to make an enormous career change.

Here are some small actions that by themselves don’t take much time, and really are only little.   Their impact on seeing your career flourish, though, multiplies because it is through the small things that you build the strength to take on bigger and bigger things:

  • Have a weekly/bi-weekly/monthly  coffee/breakfast/wine/walk/ cycle... catch up with someone who expands your thinking and your network, (you are doing the same for them)
  • Every month read a book, or at least an article, that is on the learning edge of the work you do
  • Make the time to attend training/talks/podcasts
  • Apply healthy time management/procrastination smashing practices so you do regular deep work.
  • Start a file of innovative ideas for your workplace and find appropriate ways to share them
  • Go to networking events and talk to people
  • Show up at work social events - people who are seen more are seen to be more influential 
  • If you don’t normally, allow yourself to make a comment in a meeting even if you think it may be silly
  • Join your professional association
  • Do 1 hour of career maintenance every 6 months
  • Offer to help someone whose work interests you
  • Spread good news stories in your workplace
  • Insist on setting a stretch goal in your performance review conversation (insist on a performance review conversation...)
  • Write a user’s manual on how best to work with you and share it with your co-workers
  • Know your strengths so you intentionally use them more
  • Update your résumé regularly so it is ready for any opportunity
  • Collect your career stories as you go along so you don’t forget the small things you do that convey your character and abilities
  • Take 5 minutes each morning to reconnect with the big picture of your career vision so it stays front of mind

Eminent Philosopher Rudolf Steiner said: The most important things enter the world through the smallest things.

The little things are easy to do – after all they are just little.  On the other hand they are just as easy not to do.  The choice is yours. 

As always wishing you a flourishing career.


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